Reply To: Building Confidence in Dhamma


1. Writing helps me as much as it may help others.

  • Sometimes, I think I understand some aspects of a given issue. However, when I started writing, I realized that related problems were poorly thought out. 
  • Furthermore, expressing one’s ideas in words (so that others can understand) is always challenging. I may not have described them in a way that some other person takes it in a wrong (different) way. I realized I should have worded it differently after reading their comments/questions.
  • Thus, I advise everyone to start writing down at least a few notes/summaries. When you do that, questions may arise that need to be answered for clarification. Writing is a way of contemplation.

2. In the “Vimuttāyatana Sutta (AN 5.26),” the Buddha outlined five ways of practicing Dhamma to attain Nibbana. I highly recommend reading through the five ways.

  • Of course, writing is not among them because writing was not common in those days. Writing is probably close to the method of reciting verses with understanding (@marker 4.1). 
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