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This paragraph needs to be revised in accordance with Anuseti – How Anusaya Grows with Saṅkhāra

Details of Kamma – Intention, Who Is Affected, Kamma Patha

Connection to Kamma Vinnana and Rebirth

6. In the “Cetanā Sutta (SN 12.38),” we get further clarification on how this “intention” relates to our “future expectations” that manifest as “kamma viññāṇa.”  

Yañca, bhikkhave, ceteti yañca pakappeti yañca anuseti, ārammaṇametaṁ hoti viññāṇassa ṭhitiyā. 
Ārammaṇe sati patiṭṭhā viññāṇassa hoti.
Tasmiṁ patiṭṭhite viññāṇe virūḷhe āyatiṁ punabbhavābhinibbatti hoti.”


Bhikkhus,  what you intend or plan, and what you have underlying tendencies (anusaya) for, become a support for the kamma viññāṇa.
When one focuses on an ārammaṇa (with an expectation/intention), kamma viññāṇa becomes established.
When that viññāṇa is established and grows, that can bring rebirth into a new state of existence in the future.”


Anuseti – How Anusaya Grows with Saṅkhāra

Cetanā Sutta – Succinct Description

4. The “Cetanā Sutta (SN 12.38)” explains anuseti with the following steps:

  • Yañca, bhikkhave, ceteti yañca pakappeti yañca anuseti, ārammaṇametaṁ hoti viññāṇassa ṭhitiyā.” OR “Bhikkhus, what you think about, plan, and take action regarding a ārammaṇa will establish/grow (kamma) viññāṇa. That is how “anusaya grows” via “anuseti.”
  • Ārammaṇe sati patiṭṭhā viññāṇassa hoti” OR “When the mind is focused on an ārammaṇa, (kamma) viññāṇa becomes established.” 
  • Tasmiṁ patiṭṭhite viññāṇe virūḷhe āyatiṁ punabbhavābhinibbatti hoti” OR “When (kamma) viññāṇa is established and grows, kamma bhava (which can lead to rebirth) grows.” That latter part is equivalent to anusaya grows.” Therefore, it is a feedback loop. The more one CONSCIOUSLY engages in “anuseti” (in the “nava kamma” stage), it leads to the strengthening of “anusaya.” 
  • Āyatiṁ punabbhavābhinibbattiyā sati āyatiṁ jāti jarāmaraṇaṁ sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā sambhavanti” OR “When kamma bhava (related to anusaya) is established, future rebirth, old age, and death come to be, as do sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress.”
  • Starting at marker 3.1, the solution is to stop thinking about/planning around such temptations (ārammaṇa.) While it is imperative to stop attaching to such temptations (assāda,) that can be done only within limits. Without comprehending the dangers (ādinava) of temptations (assāda), it is impossible to irradicate them.
  • As we discussed recently, any “assāda” (cravings) arise based on mind-made “distorted saññā“; see “Fooled by Distorted Saññā (Sañjānāti) – Origin of Attachment (Taṇhā)” and other posts in “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā).”