Welcome to the forum, HugoZyl!
Question 1: A Brahma has no physical body like ours, a tiny ant, or even a virus/bacteria. A Brahma has only a “mental body” that cannot be seen with our eyes. Of course, that is hard to imagine for us.
Question 2: I don’t understand the question. Yes, it is possible that he intended to look at the camera. Is there anything wrong with that? It is likely that you equated “intention” with “tanha.” The Pali word tanha means “intention with greed/anger.” There can be “intention” without greed/anger, as in that specific case, to teach others.
Question 3: The “true nature of this world” is an understanding. It may not be possible to describe it in words unless one goes into a long explanation. I think the person in question was on his deathbed, i.e., close to dying. There was no time to have a lengthy discussion.