Reply To: Gandhabba, sex determination and chromosomes


I realize I had not missed the point in y not’s Taryal’s question. 

  • Let me restate the question. Consider a Brahma exhausting its lifetime and born a human. Since Brahmas do not have sex organs, how is the sexual identity of the human is determined?

Sexual identity is loosely related to bhāva dasaka. Usually, a human born with purisa bhāva dasaka has male sex organs, but that is not necessary; see #2 of the post below. Also, All Brahma realms are “unisex.” They all have the purisa bhāva dasakaSee #8 of the post below.

Therefore, whether a Brahma exhausting its lifetime and born a human would have male or female sex organs is a complex issue. I guess that most will have male sex organs and even those born with female sex organs will have “purisa gati.” 

  • My apologies for not understanding the question. Strangely, our minds can latch onto one aspect of an issue and proceed in the wrong direction. 
  • Please read the above post to get a better idea of the issue. I only pointed out the main points.