September 19, 2024 at 3:31 pm
Each of us has many “kamma bija” waiting to bear fruit. They could bring rebirths in different realms. Some bring rebirths in lower realms, and some in higher realms. At the moment of cuti-patisandhi (grasping a new existence), the strongest one (called “garuka kamma“) will usually be chosen automatically. If no exceptionally strong kamma bija exists, the closest one (asanna kamma) will take over.
- However, some types of kamma bija bring rebirth without exception (anantariya kamma). For example, if a human cultivates a jhana, he/she will be born in the corresponding Brahma realm (first jhana in the lowest Brahma realm, etc.) at the death of the physical body, even if there is more kammic energy left in the human bhava. Of course, anantariya kamma on the “bad side,” such as killing a parent, will bring rebirth in an apaya.
- Some kamma bija become ineffective (i.e., cannot bring rebirth) if one attains magga phala. For example, a Sotapanna will not be reborn in an apaya, even if he/she has many kamma bija capable of bringing such rebirths.