September 16, 2024 at 7:41 am
My apologies for not responding to your earlier comment. I did not see it.
- I had made a mistake in my earlier comment that you linked to. I just corrected it as follows:
P.P.S. (September 16, 2024): There is a critical difference between the effects of ditthi vipallasa and sanna vipallasa.
- At the Sotapnna stage, ditthi vipallasa disappears, and wrong views are removed.
- In contrast, sanna vipallasa is “built into” our mental and physical bodies. We can only train the mind to “ignore it” and “not to be fooled by it.” That happens in stages. An Anagami’s mind will still get the “distorted kama sanna” that honey is sweet, but it will not be attached to that taste. In another example, An Anagami will see the “beauty of a woman” but will not generate lust for the woman.
- But an Anagami (who has cultivated jhana/samapatti) will still be attached to jhanic or arupa samapatti “pleasures.” An Arahant (who has cultivated jhana/samapatti) will still feel the same jhanic or arupa samapatti “pleasures,” but their minds will not be attached to them.
I hope this will clarify your well-justified questions. I should have expressed my ideas better.
- I will clarify this in detail in the next post, but feel free to ask any questions.