Reply To: Why Buddhism?


I loved reading all the warm responses. I am really glad that this thread gave an opportunity for practitioners to present their reflections.

@Yash RS:

“Then in 2022 I came across this website and realised the truth. That childhood curiosity was a KEY factor for coming across this truth.  Since then I have been progressing significantly.”

The human mind is naturally curious. But few are curious towards finding the “truth”, especially since a young age. I applaud you for that!


“I have not seen any other religion, philosophy or even modern science that discusses the conscious experience to the depth that Dhamma does. This was one of the most compelling aspects for me as it requires you to think critically and the concepts are full of logic, as discussed above.”

The mind is without a doubt the most complex entity in the universe. All beings experience the world through their consciousness, which I believe is the least understood thing in Modern Science and Philosophy. So it is indeed utterly remarkable that Buddha’s teachings primarily focus on (and explain in detail) the sensory experiences!


“I believe that truth doesn’t need a lawyer to defend it. So, try experiencing it for yourself!”

Thank you! I am excited to proceed further!


“Even though the mechanism of the above processes are described (Paticca Samuppada), they are still theories for me which I take as working hypothesis.”

One can’t be fully sure about anything unless they have understood and experienced it themselves. It looks like you are doing exactly what the Buddha asked you to do. So I would suggest keeping your inquiring mindset the way it is!

I started this thread asking “Why Buddhism?” because I wanted to understand the perspectives of practitioners in this community and from the responses, it looks like you guys know what you are doing. Thanks again to everyone who participated in this thread! Please feel free to write more if you wish!

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