Reply To: On Akusala Citta and Akusala Vipāka Citta


It is better to focus on how one generates kamma rather than on kamma vipaka

  • The Buddha said, “I will teach you what suffering is, how it arises, why it arises, and how to stop it from arising.”
  • One cannot learn anything useful by studying kamma vipaka. That subject is fully comprehensible only to a Buddha: “Kamma vipāko, bhikkhave, acinteyyo, na cintetabbo.” See “Acinteyya Sutta (AN 4.77).”
  • The necessary translation: “There are four things that are unthinkable. They should not be thought about; anyone who tries to think about them will lose their mind or be frustrated. One of them is kamma vipāka.” 
  • You should find other resources (if there are any) to discuss kamma vipaka.
  • I have and will discuss only the necessary aspects. That is why I said I cannot waste my time analyzing each hypothetical situation. Only a Buddha can do that, but I doubt whether he would spend the time on such issues because they do not help us understand the origin of suffering.