September 9, 2024 at 11:40 am
I have revised the Pathfinder’s link to where to start reading about this issue.
1. Venerables Sariputta and Moggalana were the chief disciples of the Buddha.
- They excelled in two different areas. Ven. Sariputta excelled in Dhamma, the core teachings, and Ven. Moggalana excelled in cultivating Ariya jhana and supernormal (iddhi) powers.
2. A bhikkhu‘s first goal is to attain the Sotapanna stage and “be born in the Ariya lineage.” Once “born an Ariya,” a bhikkhu needs to get to higher magga phala mostly via cultivating insight meditation (the same as Satipatthana/Anapanasati).
- Some (born with relevant gati) also cultivated iddhi powers (via cultivating jhana).
- Thus, Ven. Sariputta helped in the “(Ariya) birth-giving process,” and Ven. Moggallana helped in the latter stages.
3. One should read the sutta with that background.