1. I was born into a Maitreya Buddhist family. Then I found many things that did not fit, then I became agnostic.. After some time I reflected on injustice, differences, why we were created, why we were created if only to be used as toys, after a long search I found the concept of tilakkhana, paticcasamuppada, 4 noble truths, and all of that according to me is in line with logic, the turning point I found this puredhamma, the concept of tilakkhana is very clear (thank you Mr. LAL, and all my friends in the community here). Long story short, in deep contemplation I firmly believe in Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha.
2. I actually do not follow any school of thought, but coincidentally the one that is closest to it is the Theravada school. Because looking at it historically.
3. For me, the way to build our belief is first we have to think objectively (why we were born in different religions, families, statuses, social) and think neutrally, see the truth universally and then match it with the teachings. A simple and extreme example in Buddhism does not recognize the existence of a creator and that is in line with the logic that those who kill and are killed are purely due to cause and effect, there is no destiny or destiny that is previously scripted.
4. In my opinion, it is rather difficult to convince people unless the person has a ready mind and is compatible with the dhamma, we can only show the reality of life with the dhamma slowly and when he is ready he will automatically become convinced.