Topics like this can waste our time. I stopped responding in another related thread due to this reason.
- However, let me respond to some of TGS’s quotes because they could help us understand a bit of Buddha Dhamma or dispel some obviously wrong misconceptions.
TGS quoted: “I do not understand how the first dinosaur or the first elephant or the first human appeared on earth. Can someone please explain?”
- The appearance of humans with “Bahama-like subtle bodies” is explained in the “Buddhism and Evolution – Aggañña Sutta (DN 27).” Those humans are then gradually reborn in the other realms; that is how the first elephant appears, for example.
- Even when our cakkavala (Solar system) is destroyed, only the “dense matter” is destroyed. Higher Brahma realms (above the Abhassara Brahma realm) remain intact.
TGS quoted: “If humans saw Dinosaurs and put them in temples that would mean those temples have been there for more than 50 millions years and withstood a comet strike which is not possible.”
- A comet strike does not physically damage everything on Earth. That is impossible. Read about it by doing a Google search.
- For example, the comment strike that killed all dinosaurs only created a crater a few kilometers in diameter. It did not destroy other physical structures. However, the dust plume blanketed the Earth and blocked Sunlight for a long time. That led to the killing of all dinosaurs and many species of large animals, and it probably killed most humans, too.
- However, all those who died survived in their gandhabba state. As conditions on Earth improve, the population of those species that were not completely wiped out can rebuild. That is how the populations of humans (and many smaller animals) grew over time. Even those dinosaur gandhabbas would live in that state until the end of their bhava energy. There could be dinosaur gandhabbas living to this day. They cannot be reborn with dinosaurs with physical bodies because there are no dinosaur parents to give birth to them!
Also, the videos about the “flat Earth hypothesis” are total garbage. I have seen them. They try to explain the pictures that show the Earth is round by saying that light curves due to Earth’s gravitational pull! However, only much more massive objects, like the Sun or other stars, can “bend the path of light,” and even that is a slight deviation.
I must say that Waisaka has made some valid remarks.