“What is the ultimate goal for you?”
Nothing less than ultimate reality, absolute truth or whatever they call it. At the very least anagami.
“Is it to enjoy the jhanic experiences?”
NO. After some injuries, I realized Jhana was not that reliable and i couldn’t get to a deep state of mind anymore.
That’s why I searched for better methods. Googled it, and ended up here. It’s been a year since I’ve been studying the site. thank you.
As for this post I just wanted to introduce 6r’s it’s not a new thing. It’s a right effort that everybody knows + relax.
It can be used for vipassana too. That’s how I’m using it right now. Not the object of meditation, but method 6rs alone.
The object of my meditation for both jhana and vipassana has always been the sound of Nada, some call it the sound of silence.
How to use it for vipassana has been explained by Ajahn Amaro. For entering jhana you should apply 6rs. Other method out there can cuz serious harm. I’m still experiencing the side effects.
“Can you describe your jhanic experience?”
If you are using this sound to enter jhana, then it’s going to be super fun, based on how deep you are in jhana or samadhi. The tune and its volume changes. letting you know where you are and where you going.
When it comes to this sound there’s a lot to say.
As for jhanic experiences, the deeper you go the more the body becomes air-like, usually the perception of solidness goes away. Beginning from the foot. In some cases the body seems to get very tall and strange, there are a lot of strange things that happen don’t know where to begin. Usual experiences are a light body and a sense of comeness. Sometimes extreme joy delight. Some time still and quit, free from usual blabbering thoughts.
In higher states extraordinarily balanced mind, doesn’t grab at things like sounds with hate or lust, at that point usually below the neck is not felt. And strangely it seems that the usual feelings in my chest have moved, I remember some sort of energy from my chest going through spin on top of my skull, at the 3 or 4 jhana.
A lot of strange stuff, hearing bell-like sounds in both ears, not from physical objects…
“Which jhana can you get to?”
3 or 4. It’s not that hard to get to this state. I don’t know whay everybody says it’s hard. It’s probably the method. Just sit 2 hours on each setting 1/5 even 1 hour 3 to 4 times a day. Walking works too, I remember being in a very busy city with the sound of cars and all, still my mind was in some deep state. My body was like air while walking and I could hear the nada in the background.
Sorry for the late answer. English is not my first language.
And sorry for my lazy answers. There’s a lot I want to say, but language, this old phone, and my broken English; kind of stopping me.
Thank you.