August 31, 2024 at 4:23 pm
Taryal: “One could ask why A should worry about B’s suffering if they’re not the same.”
Let us recall that Yash started this discussion with: “Let’s say A has done a bad deed and after dying ,many births later, it has been born as B.”
- So, A cannot worry about B because B will be in the future.
Now, we can see the truth of Taryal’s subsequent statement: ” In a way, the same thing happens in a single lifetime too, right? Each citta arises and passes away but the “momentary perception” of self is always there. When a toddler grows into an adult human, it becomes a totally different person but there is a continuity (since it is the same life stream) which is why when a human thinks about their past, there is the perception that it is the same person.”