August 28, 2024 at 9:01 am
Yes. “upacāra samadhi” is needed to attain magga phala, and no jhānās are required. Furthermore, jhānic states are achieved in an entirely different way.
- See #13 through #16 of the post “Citta Vīthi – Processing of Sense Inputs.”
- “Google Translate” can translate the French post that Jittananto quoted, but I don’t know how accurate it would be.
P.S. Also, to reach magga phala, two more stages of Anuloma (A) and Gotrabu (G) must be accessed. For example, a Sotapanna Anugami may reach the upacāra samadhi and not go through the other two stages for a while (could be months or years) until attaining the Sotapanna phala.