August 27, 2024 at 5:19 pm
Yash asked: “If someone goes for fishing in order to enjoy that act, he would be accumulating apunna abhisankhara. But what if he is not enjoying it and just committing the act with a neutral mindset (while knowing about it)?”
- Whether one knows about kamma/vipaka does not matter. Any kamma done with greed, anger, or ignorance of kammic laws (wrong views) is an apunna abhisankhara.
- However, a kamma done with joy is more potent than one done with a neutral mindset (for someone with wrong views.)
Yash asked: “If someone is not feeling pleasure out of bad acts but has to do them in some extreme situation, won’t it generate any kamma?”
- If this person is a Sotapanna (without wrong views), it still is an apunna abhisankhara. However, it is much less potent than the same action done by someone with wrong views. That is because a Sotapanna would not do it unless necessary in some situations. Also, a Sotapanna would not do it with joy.
- However, an Arahant will not generate an apunna abhisankhara under any situation.