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I can try to explain that as follows:

1. Bahiddha rupa (with “distorted sanna“) is created by ANYONE’S mind (including Arahants.)

2. On the other hand, “ajjhatta rupa” is created at various levels by each individual, depending on how many samyojana they have.

  • A puthujjana‘s mind with all ten samyojana will generate the “most attractive” ajjhatta rupa with ditthi, tanha (kama raga, patigha, rupa raga, arupa raga samyojana), and mana (mana, uddhacca, avijja samyojana). 
  • A Sotapanna‘s mind with seven samyojana (w/o the three ditthi samyojana) will generate less attractive ajjhatta rupa with tanha and mana.
  • An Anagami‘s mind with five samyojana (w/o the three ditthi samyojana and kama raga, patigha samyojana) will generate even less attractive ajjhatta rupa with rupa raga, arupa raga, and mana (mana, uddhacca, avijja samyojana).
  • An Arahant‘s mind with no samyojana will stop at the”bahiddha rupa” stage.

3. Note that the “distorted sanna” is NOT a “defiled sanna” because no raga, dosa, or moha is associated with it.

  • However, that “distorted sanna” arose due to kamma generation in previous lives. Anyone born in the human realm will have it because it is built into the mental and physical human bodies via Paticca Samuppada.
  • Since an Arahant‘s mind has fully comprehended that (that is how all ten samyojana were eliminated), it will not be “fooled by” the “distorted sanna.” Thus, it will not advance to the “ajjhatta rupa” stage.

4. Thus, “bahidda rupa” is also a rupa created by the mind (via Paticca Samuppada). Since it is vipaka, it cannot be stopped from arising; it is built into the mental and physical human bodies (at the beginning of the “human bhava) via Paticca Samuppada per #3 above.

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