Reply To: Did the Buddha Discriminate Against Women?


One thing we need to keep in mind is that the Buddha mainly focused on teaching what suffering is (to move away from the “suffering-free state” or the “pabhassara mind”) and how to stop it.

  • His description of javana cittas is limited to those with raga, dosa, moha, leading to the arising of more bhava and jati in this world.
  • Abhisankhara are sankhara with raga, dosa, moha.

A pure mind (in the absence of raga, dosa, moha) is capable of generating much more powerful results, like iddhi powers.

  • However, the Buddha did not elaborate on the mechanism responsible for such powers. However, it should be clear that Abhisankhara cannot yield them. 
  • Even some anariya yogis had some iddhi powers. Those were generated while they were highest jhana, where the abhisankhara generation was minimal.
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