Reply To: Kāya Saṅkhāra


Thank you sir and sorry for any inconveniences that I might have caused with my previous questioning. 

2. I do not know why it asks the question, “What is kaya sankhara?” and goes on to explain the other two types as well.

  • But it should not matter. Should it?

I’m not sure, maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. That’s what I’m trying to figure out.

Would moving the “physical” mouth / tongue, nose, eyes, ears be considered kaya sankhara or more specifically when we use our mouth, nose, eyes or ears for a intended purpose? For example, I’m sitting down, my arms, legs, head are not moving at all. Then all of sudden a sight catches my eyes and I would focus on the sight with the eyes without moving any parts of my body besides maybe my eyes. Or I would turn on some music with the intention of enjoying the sound that would go through the ears to the mind. Would such actions or examples be considered as kaya sankhara according to sir or others thinking?