August 24, 2024 at 3:40 pm
Jittananto wrote: “When one becomes an Arahant, one will experience Kamma bhava but it will not generate any Uppatti Bhava which leads to the 31 realms. All Kamma Bhava is destroyed during Parinibbāna.”
1. An Arahant does not generate kamma bhava.
- Kamma bhava is generated while engaging in a kamma with raga, dosa, or moha.
2. Furthermore, an Arahant does not belong to kama bhava, rupa bhava, or arupa bhava. Also, note the difference between kamma bhava and kama bhava.
- For example, an Arahant born with a human body will be at the “kama dhatu” stage and not get to “kama bhava.”
- When that Arahant gets into a jhana, his mind stops at the “rupa dhatu” stage and does not progress to “rupa bhava.”
- When that Arahant gets into an arupa samapatti, his mind stops at the “arupa dhatu” stage and does not progress to “arupa bhava.”
3. The following chart has a lot of information, including #1 and #2 above.
Please feel free to ask questions. These are somewhat technical issues, but resolving them will help you understand the concept of “distorted sanna ” and related concepts.
4. P.S. Let me give the following examples to get you all to think about and fully understand:
- Consider an Anagami who has not cultivated jhana. Since he has removed kama raga, his/her mind will not go beyond the bahiddha vinnana in kama dhatu and enter the ajjhatta vinnana in kama loka.
- Next, consider an Anagami who has cultivated the first jhana, for example. While not in that jhana, his/her mind will similarly stay at the bahiddha vinnana in kama dhatu. When in the jhana, his/her mind will go beyond the bahiddha vinnana in rupa dhatu and enter the “rupa loka.”
- In another example, consider a “human Arahant” who has cultivated the first jhana. When in the jhana, his/her mind will not go beyond the bahiddha vinnana in rupa dhatu and enter the “rupa loka.” It will stay in the bahiddha vinnana in rupa dhatu while in the jhana.