Reply To: Evolution


This world is infinitely complex and vast. Even yogis have developed Iddhi powers to see if it is possible to reach the end of this universe. See the story of the yogi Rohitassa. Rohitassa wanted to know the end of the universe by travelling, he only stopped to take care of his body and maintained himself with Iddhi powers. Rohitassa died due to his lifespan and he ended up being reborn in a Deva world. Lord Buddha told him that it is impossible to see the end of this universe while travelling with Iddhi powers. However, it is possible to achieve this end by becoming an arahant.


The end of the world can never

Gamanena na pattabbo,

be reached by traveling.

lokassanto kudācanaṁ;

But without reaching the end of the world,

Na ca appatvā lokantaṁ,

there’s no release from suffering.

dukkhā atthi pamocanaṁ.


So an intelligent person, understanding the world,

Tasmā have lokavidū sumedho,

has completed the spiritual journey, and gone to the end of the world.

Lokantagū vusitabrahmacariyo;

A calm one, knowing the end of the world,

Lokassa antaṁ samitāvi ñatvā,

does not long for this world or the next.”

Nāsīsatī lokamimaṁ parañcā”ti.

  • Knowing that the universe is infinitely large. There will always be many worlds that are beyond our reach. Only a Lord Buddha is capable of knowing about each of these worlds.
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