Reply To: Evolution


If we talk about aliens, I once thought like this. 

Previously, this was just a personal opinion in contemplating the Buddha’s dhamma until it made saddha towards Buddha, dhama, sangha increasingly unshakable. 

Buddha once said 1000 Jambudvipa, it proves that there are humans (beings who have superior minds) in other parts of the solar system. 

1,000 here refers to something very much. 

Why until now we don’t know about aliens, I think the distance between solar systems is very far, the closest star to our solar system is 4.2 light years away. The farthest object sent into space is only 35 light seconds away (10.4 billion KM) 

The farthest object seen by humans using a telescope is 12 billion light years away, maybe the distance of this universe is much greater. 

Even the age of the parinimita god will run out if his entire life is spent exploring the universe. 

Therefore I assume it makes sense that those who come when hearing the Buddha’s dhamma from other universes are only gods and brahmas because their physical conditions are qualified to exceed the speed of light. 

Like a colony of ants living in Asia and a colony of ants living on the African continent, 

Maybe their forms and natures are different, but they are still subject to the eternal law of death and suffering. 

And in my opinion, the age of the earth and the universe is now trillions of years (based on the time the earth rotates around the sun), time is actually nothing absolute (different places have different calculations) maybe in other universes the duration of time is different.. The absolute is only appearing, lasting, and disappearing.. 

One more thing, in my opinion the earth we live on now is the same as the earth in the time of Buddha Kakusandha.. And the buddha before Buddha Kakusandha was born on earth in another part of the solar system.. 

This makes sense to me personally..🙏

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