Good stuff, I think these discussions are quite useful because it helps one build faith in Dhamma.
“Of course. He taught that the universe has uncountable populated planetary systems like our Solar system (cakkavāla).”
I wonder why we haven’t and if we will ever encounter highly advanced humans from other solar systems.
The usage of the word “chakkavāla” by Buddha is quite interesting too. Correct me if I’m wrong but “chakka” has to do with something spinning or circular. Planets revolve around sun in circular/elliptical orbits. It seems intentional.
“Some suttas compare the light from the Sun to that of the Moon (weak.)”
I don’t remember the sutta but I think I’ve read that the light from a sun can only light up one chakkavāla but a Tathagata can light up the entire “dasa sahassi loka dhatu“.