Reply To: Perceiving the sensual world


You missed the next point on that list.

  • All vedanā initially coming through the other five sense faculties are neutral, i.e., adukkhamasukha vedanā.” But they give rise to “distorted sanna.” 
  • For example, the taste of ice cream as sweet is not a vedana, but a “distorted sanna.” Since a puthujjana does not realize that they crave the sweet taste of ice cream, they generate samphassa-ja-vedana based on that craving.
  • See, for example, #9 of “Saññā – All Our Thoughts Arise With “Distorted Saññā” Of course, read the whole post to get the idea. 

P.S. I revised the post “Vedana (Feelings) Arise in Two Ways” to include a link to the above post.

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