August 22, 2024 at 6:23 am
I will watch Dosakkhayo’s video later today.
However, the main points are the following:
1. Taryal’s statement, “Then what is the role of DNA? Genetic Engineering has shown that mutations in DNA can affect the structure of the physical bodies. This would suggest that the blueprint of an organism’s physical structures is stored in the DNA” is not inconsistent with Buddha’s explanation.
- I did not deny that DNA plays a role in the physical human body. After a human gandhabba is born with a physical body, DNA plays a role (dictated by kammic energy embedded in the gandhabba.)
2. We need to realize that the world (or nature) is described by Paticca Samuppada and the laws of kamma embedded in it.
- The gandhabba and the physical body are BOTH created by kammic energy to “embed” the “distorted sanna” that the lifestream craved. A human existence is grasped because of a “janaka kamma” (a strong kamma that can give rise to human existence.)
3. This is why I have emphasized many times that the “trick” (or the mirage) of the “distorted sanna” cannot be uncovered within the mundane laws of science.
- That “distorted sanna” is “built into” both gandhabba and the physical body, i.e., into DNA, as well.