Reply To: Support of monks / monasteries / centers


Hello, Friend Nibbid83šŸ™šŸæ. I am a simple devotee and I do not run a monastery. I recommend you to support Jethavaranama Monastery. The Bhikkhunis monastery of California (Dhammadharini) and the construction of the Cetiya of Venerable Arahant Ananda in Sri Lanka. You can contact me by email at [email protected]. I will give you the phone numbers of those responsible for donations. Yes, the Ugandan monastery needs a lot of support. Here Donate. People can even go there to teach at the Village Buddhist school or to volunteer.

Supporting the Sangha brings a lot of Kusulas Kamma and will lead you to Nibbāna. Many disciples of Lord Buddha have done this kind of action during many past lives in the Sasanas of ancient Lord Buddhas. This is why they were able to encounter the Dhamma and attain Nibbāna during the time of Lord Gautama. Of course, it is important to understand the Dhamma. It is only by understanding the Dhamma that one sees the importance of supporting the Sangha. May you attain Nibbāna as quickly as possible šŸ™šŸæšŸ™šŸæšŸ™šŸæšŸŒø.

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