Reply To: Validity of current interpretation of Satipatthana Sutta


No. An anariya yogi‘s (or any puthujjana‘s) mind ALWAYS gets to the ajjhatta stage. The mind can be stopped at the bahiddha stage, only by a Sotapanna practicing Satipatthana. P.S. When a Sotapanna successfully does that, he becomes an Anagami. P.P.S. However, understanding this process (even without stopping at the bahiddha stage) can help a puthujjana reach the Sotapanna stage because now one becomes a “sandiṭṭhiko.”

  •  Simply focusing the mind on a neutral object forces the mind NOT to focus on immoral thoughts (i.e., avoid such arammana) at the beginning of a “meditation session.” This avoids vitakka/vicara with immoral thoughts.
  • Then, he must also focus on “mundane moral thoughts” (savitakka/savicara) to force the mind (vinnana) in the upward direction (in the “nava kamma” stage) in the charts I discussed on August 13, 2024, at 8:50 pm, above. Usually, they practice “mundane meditations” like “mundane metta” (may all beings be happy and free of suffering, etc.)
  • That forces the mind to latch onto the higher rupa loka mindset at some point. It could take years of effort. Furthermore, they must avoid “mind-pleasing sensory inputs” that trigger kama raga.
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