“Mendicants, when you go into the water you should anticipate four dangers. Also at AN 4.122.
“cattārimāni, bhikkhave, bhayāni udakorohante pāṭikaṅkhitabbāni.
What four?
Katamāni cattāri?
The dangers of waves, gharials, whirlpools, and sharks.
Ūmibhayaṁ, kumbhīlabhayaṁ, āvaṭṭabhayaṁ, susukābhayaṁ—
These are the four dangers that you should anticipate when you go into the water.
imāni, bhikkhave, cattāri bhayāni udakorohante pāṭikaṅkhitabbāni.
In the same way, a person gone forth from the lay life to homelessness(monkhood) in this teaching and training should anticipate four dangers.
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, cattārimāni bhayāni idhekacce puggale imasmiṁ dhammavinaye agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajite pāṭikaṅkhitabbāni.
What four?
Katamāni cattāri?
The dangers of waves, gharials, whirlpools, and sharks.
Ūmibhayaṁ, kumbhīlabhayaṁ, āvaṭṭabhayaṁ, susukābhayaṁ
- This is a warning for new monks. Personally, I think it’s aimed at those below the anagami stage. However, a person below this stage who has a firm heart can overcome them. The perfect example is Venerable Ananda when he was sotāpanna. He never wanted to return to secular life no matter the temptations. Remember that, a sotāpanna or sakadagamin is always tempted by sensory pleasures. However, no matter the temptations, Venerable Ananda never disrobed. It’s in his gati(personal tendencies).
- To my knowledge, this is the only instance where Lord Buddha rectified Venerable Sariputta when he made an incorrect statement. Read all the Suttas to understand.