August 14, 2024 at 6:03 am
1. The statement, “They say that the above things provide evidence that our memories are stored in the brain.” is not true.
- Does anything you quoted above say that?
- I think they only say, “They say that the above things show that it is likely that our memories are stored in the brain.”
- They have zero evidence that our memories are stored in the brain.
2. All they have found is that the brain plays a role in recalling memory.
- As I have explained, the brain does play a significant role in recalling memory: “Brain – Interface between Mind and Body”
- However, memories are “stored” in vinnana dhatu (nama loka).
3. Key evidence that the memories are not in the brain:
- If memories are in the brain, all memories will be destroyed upon the death of the physical body. How can children recall their past lives?
- How do people have Near-Death Experiences (NDE) and Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE)? No brain activity in those cases.
- How can a few people recall past events in great detail? “Recent Evidence for Unbroken Memory Records (HSAM).” No scientist has explained these accounts. They have only documented those accounts.