Reply To: ChatGPT seems to know more than western scholars – Paṭicca Samuppāda


It seems that in the days of the Buddha, everyone knew that words like phassa, sankhara, cetana, vedana, and sanna meant samphassa, abhisankhara, sancetana, samphassa-ja-vedana, and “distorted sannain most situations. However, Abhidhamma specifically makes that distinction.

  • Only in a few suttas are the specific words in the latter set defined. But such suttas are in the Tipitaka, as Taryal pointed out. 
  • However, until Ariya explains them, the terminology is too confusing for others to figure out. Furthermore, one should be able to figure out whether vipaka vinnana or kamma vinnana (for example) applies in the given situation. That is why it is critical to not only be aware of those specific usages (janato) but to comprehend them (passato). See “Jānato Passato” and Ājāniya – Critical Words to Remember”