August 9, 2024 at 12:40 pm
Taryal: “If an AI can resolve this issue so quickly, why aren’t the scholars able to do the same?”
- I have asked that question numerous times on this website and in discussion forums like Dhamma Wheel.
- P.S. See, for example, “Distortion of Pāli Keywords in Paṭicca Samuppāda.”
My tentative conclusions:
- It is possible that the translators have not read any of my posts. However, that cannot be entirely correct since Bhikkhu Dhammanado (who posted regularly at Dhamma Wheel) criticized my posts. He is a close friend of Bhikkhu Sujato, who has translated most of the suttas at Sutta Central, so it is quite likely that they had discussed my writings. That leads to the conclusion that they don’t have the capability for logical thinking. That is a harsh way to say it, but I don’t have any other explanation.
- As for the readers, most who commented at Dhamma Wheel (including its “moderators”) have the same issue. No logical thinking capability.
- However, there was a silver lining. Some people who initially criticized me stopped commenting altogether. I guess they understood at some point but were too “high-minded” to admit online that they had been ignorant to criticize my writings.