Reply To: Guilt – Involving Sobhana or Asobhana Cetasika?


Here is a sutta that discusses “hiri” and “ottappa” usually combined as “hirottappa.” “Hirīottappa Sutta (AN 7.65).”

  • The English translation there translates those words as “lacking conscience” and “lacking prudence” but “shame of wrongdoing” and “fear of wrongdoing” are better translations.
  • When we were growing up, these were the basics taught to us by our parents and teachers. Sadly, that is missing these days. Instead, teachers tend to focus on “sex education,” even for little kids!

P.S. Here is another relevant sutta: “Avijjā Sutta (SN 45.1)

  • Avijjā, bhikkhave, pubbaṅgamā akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ samāpattiyā, anvadeva ahirikaṁ anottappaṁ.” or “Ignorance precedes the attainment of immoral qualities, with lack of shame of wrongdoing” and “fear of wrongdoing.
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