All the information below is found in the Mahākhandhaka.
- I had written about certain prohibitions on August 6 without giving the Pali reference. I was able to find the source in the Vinaya Pitaka.
“The one who is giving the full ordination should ask about thirteen obstacles.
“Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, upasampādentena terasa antarāyike dhamme pucchituṁ.
- The Cattāriakaraṇīya is about the 4 Pārājikas (offences which result in expulsion from the Sangha.)
A monk who’s fully ordained shouldn’t have sexual intercourse, not even with an animal.
Upasampannena bhikkhunā methuno dhammo na paṭisevitabbo, antamaso tiracchānagatāyapi.
If he has sexual intercourse, he’s not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.
Yo bhikkhu methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevati, assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.
Just as a man with his head cut off is unable to continue living by reconnecting it to the body,
Seyyathāpi nāma puriso sīsacchinno abhabbo tena sarīrabandhanena jīvituṁ;
so too is a monk who has had sexual intercourse not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.
evameva bhikkhu methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevitvā assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.
You shouldn’t do this for as long as you live.
Taṁ te yāvajīvaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ.
A fully ordained monk shouldn’t steal, not even a straw.
Upasampannena bhikkhunā adinnaṁ theyyasaṅkhātaṁ na ādātabbaṁ, antamaso tiṇasalākaṁ upādāya.
If he steals a pāda coin, the value of a pāda, or more than a pāda, he’s not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.
Yo bhikkhu pādaṁ vā pādārahaṁ vā atirekapādaṁ vā adinnaṁ theyyasaṅkhātaṁ ādiyati, assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.
Just as a fallen, withered leaf is incapable of becoming green again,
Seyyathāpi nāma paṇḍupalāso bandhanā pavutto abhabbo haritatthāya;
so too is a monk who, intending to steal, takes an ungiven pāda coin, the value of a pāda, or more than a pāda not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.
evameva bhikkhu pādaṁ vā pādārahaṁ vā atirekapādaṁ vā adinnaṁ theyyasaṅkhātaṁ ādiyitvā assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.
You shouldn’t do this for as long as you live.
Taṁ te yāvajīvaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ.
A monk who’s fully ordained shouldn’t intentionally kill a living being, not even a small insect.
Upasampannena bhikkhunā sañcicca pāṇo jīvitā na voropetabbo, antamaso kunthakipillikaṁ upādāya.
If he intentionally kills a human being, even causing an abortion, he’s not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.
Yo bhikkhu sañcicca manussaviggahaṁ jīvitā voropeti, antamaso gabbhapātanaṁ upādāya, assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.
Just as an ordinary stone that has broken in half cannot be put back together again,
Seyyathāpi nāma puthusilā dvedhā bhinnā appaṭisandhikā hoti;
so too is a monk who has intentionally killed a human being not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.
evameva bhikkhu sañcicca manussaviggahaṁ jīvitā voropetvā assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.
You shouldn’t do this for as long as you live.
Taṁ te yāvajīvaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ.
A monk who’s fully ordained shouldn’t claim a superhuman quality ( Jhānas, arupavacara samapatti and magga phala), not even just saying, ‘I delight in solitude.’
Upasampannena bhikkhunā uttarimanussadhammo na ullapitabbo, antamaso ‘suññāgāre abhiramāmī’ti.
If, because he has bad desires and is overcome by desire, he claims to have a non-existent superhuman quality—whether absorption, release, stillness, attainment, path, or fruit—he’s not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.
Yo bhikkhu pāpiccho icchāpakato asantaṁ abhūtaṁ uttarimanussadhammaṁ ullapati jhānaṁ vā vimokkhaṁ vā samādhiṁ vā samāpattiṁ vā maggaṁ vā phalaṁ vā, assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.
Just as a palm tree with its crown cut off is incapable of further growth,
Seyyathāpi nāma tālo matthakacchinno abhabbo puna viruḷhiyā;
so too is a monk with bad desires, overcome by desire, who claims to have non-existent superhuman quality not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.
evameva bhikkhu pāpiccho icchāpakato asantaṁ abhūtaṁ uttarimanussadhammaṁ ullapitvā assamaṇo hoti asakyaputtiyo.
You shouldn’t do this for as long as you live.”
Taṁ te yāvajīvaṁ akaraṇīyan”ti.
Those who are naturally excluded from the life of bhikkhu or bhikkhunis.
1. Paṇḍakavatthu: A paṇḍaka (Androgynous) shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, they should be expelled.”
“Paṇḍako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabbo”ti.
2. “A fake monk shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, they should be expelled.
“Theyyasaṁvāsako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabboti.
62.3.5 Anyone who has previously left to join the monastics of another religion shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, they should be expelled.”
Titthiyapakkantako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabbo”ti.
3. Monks, an animal (non-human) shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, it should be expelled.”
Tiracchānagato, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabbo”ti.
4. “A matricide shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, he should be expelled.”
“mātughātako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabbo”ti.
5. “A patricide shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, he should be expelled.”
“Pitughātako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabbo”ti.
6. A murderer of a perfected one shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, he should be expelled.”
Arahantaghātako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabbo”ti.
7. Those who cause serious harm to the Sangha.
“One who has raped a nun shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, he should be expelled.
“Bhikkhunidūsako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabboti.
One who has caused a schism in the Sangha shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, he should be expelled.
Saṅghabhedako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabboti.
One who has caused the Buddha to bleed shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, he should be expelled.”
Lohituppādako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabbo”ti.
8. “A hermaphrodite shouldn’t be given the full ordination. If it has been given, he should be expelled.”
“Ubhatobyañjanako, bhikkhave, anupasampanno na upasampādetabbo, upasampanno nāsetabbo”ti.