Reply To: Guilt – Involving Sobhana or Asobhana Cetasika?


Pathfinder: “What about the feeling after we know we did something wrong? (Remorse or guilt). Let’s say I stole money from someone. After doing that I feel guilty for what I have done, thinking how I could have harmed them etc.”

  • You steal money with the arising of Ahirika (shamelessness) and  Anottapa (fearlessness in the wrong), which are the asobhana cetasika that are the opposites of hiri (shame of wrong) and ottappa (fear of wrong).
  • Once stealing (in that example), one’s mind becomes agitated, leading to feelings of guilt and remorse.

Hiri (shame of wrong) and ottappa (fear of wrong) are mental factors (cetasika) that need to be cultivated. One must see the drawbacks of Ahirika (shamelessness) and  Anottapa (fearlessness in the wrong).