Reply To: Post on “Phassa (Contact) – Contact With Pasāda Rupa”


It is better to say vipaka vinnana arises automatically due to accumulated kammic energy (residing in viññāṇa dhātu).

  • In response to vipaka vinnana, the mind generates kamma vinnana (expectation of a certain outcome) leading to the accumulation of more kammic energy.

But I can see what your confusion is. One has expectations built up by accumulated kammic energy. However, such kammic energies can automatically bring arammana only if one has samyojana intact. As the number of samyojana goes down, the likelihood of kammic energies automatically bringing sensory inputs (arammana) will diminish.

  •  But recalling past events has nothing to do with kamma vinnana. All memories remain intact as “namagotta” and may be retrieved even by an Arahant with no samyojana left. For example, they may recall what happened last week but without any cravings (thus, they do not lead to new kamma vinnana).
  • Therefore, an Arahant would not feel the urge to go see a movie or go to a restaurant to eat a tasty meal.

I think you may be thinking too hard again. Take a break and then review what was discussed up to now.

  • It is easy to mix things up and get confused. I hope I did not unintentionally confuse you. 
  • If you still have issues unresolved, ask the remaining questions tomorrow. Take a break for now.
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