Reply To: Monkhood:List of the 227 rules of Pātimokkha


Monkhood is a serious commitment that leads towards Nibbāna. Even non-humans aspire to be reborn as humans to become bhikkhus. Confessing even the smallest offence in the Vinaya is necessary to avoid becoming an obstacle to Nibbāna. You can read about Naga King Erakapatta, who was a bhikkhu during the time of Lord Buddha Kassapa.

Kiccho manussapatilabho

kiccham maccana jivitam

kiccham saddhammassavanam

kiccho buddhanamuppado.

 Dhammapada  Verse 182: Hard to gain is birth as a man; hard is the life of mortals; hard to get is the opportunity of hearing the Ariya Dhamma (Teaching of the Buddhas); hard it is for a Buddha to appear.

See: Rarity of Monkhood