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1. When a human is born in the “human bhava” (not the birth of a baby from a womb; that is “jati“) the manomaya kaya will have a certain “mindset” (called “uppatti bhavanga“) that will NOT change until that human bhava comes to an end at the cuti-patisandhi moment.

  • Thus, that uppatti bhavanga” remains the same for many thousands (possibly even millions) of years. It is associated with the manomaya kaya (gandhabba) born when grasping the human bhava. Thus, every time that gandhabba  is reborn with a physical body (manussa), it will have the same uppatti bhavanga.
  • That uppatti bhavanga” will have the “kama sanna” associated with the “gati” that led to the human bhava.
  • For example, the “sweetness of sugar” or the “yucky taste of rotten food.”  
  • A pig will have a very different set of kama sanna” associated with the “gati” that led to the pig bhavaIt will taste “rotten food as tasty.” 

2. Even the Buddha (or any Arahant) will still have the same uppatti bhavanga” they were born with.

  • That is why they will also taste the “sweetness of sugar” or the “yucky taste of rotten food.”

3. Any mind works like a machine, according to nature’s rules. These rules are embedded in Paticca Samuppada and also in the laws of kamma

I will write a bit more later today. Feel free to ask questions on the above or anything else related.

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