August 5, 2024 at 6:06 am
I decided to delete that post.
Your comments are correct. Thank you for pointing them out. Please don’t hesitate to point out such issues.
- Many terms in Paticca Samuppada are in the “uddesa version,” and the “niddesa versions” must be used to get the correct interpretation. Specifically, saṅkhāra (abhisaṅkhāra), viññāna (kamma viññāna), phassa (samphassa), vedanā (samphassa-jā-vedanā). See “Sutta Interpretation – Uddēsa, Niddēsa, Paṭiniddēsa.”
- I will review the posts in the “Paṭicca Samuppāda in Plain English” section and revise them as needed. If anyone sees any other posts needing revision, please post here.