Although I don’t follow this website anymore, but Gad told me that the forum member “y not” is suffering from cancer. So I thought of giving my Dhamma support to “y not” since he is one the earliest forum members. I remember him because I am also one of the earliest member of this forum.
Cancer is due to one’s own kamma vipaka. At Lord Buddha’s time also, many Bhikkhus suffered from several diseases due to their kamma vipaka. Even Lord Buddha himself suffered from some ailments in his old age. But it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do anything. We SHOULD take all the medications and do the required treatments. Even Lord Buddha took medicines from the famous doctor (Jivaka). But at the same time we must continuously contemplate on the Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta nature of this body (as well as everything in this world of 31 realms).
I remember that Mr. “y not” commented somewhere that he has “avecca pasada” in the Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha. It shows that he has progressed in the path very well! Credits to Mr. “y not” for his progress in the Dhamma inspite of being from a non Buddhist background (living in the West). Well done Sir!
It is extremely rare for a Samma Sambuddha to arise in this world, it is even rarer to LISTEN to Buddha Dhamma (not everyone has the merits to LISTEN to the REAL Dhamma) and it is even rarer to CORRECTLY REALISE the Dhamma and attain magga phala.
To alleviate your pain, here are some of my suggestions:
(1) Take coloured print-out of the following serene and peaceful Buddha images (please see references at the end). While closely watching these images, contemplate on the Supreme and Infinite Qualities of Lord Buddha.
(2) Listen to the Paritta chanting by most Ven. Waharaka Thero as much as possible. There are hidden benefits in LISTENING to the paritta chantings from a Noble person (Ariya).
(3) Listen to the “Patibhana Kavya” (powerful verses created by most Ven. Waharaka Thero in his Ariya Samadhi). Don’t worry if you can’t understand the meanings of the verses. Even if you faithfully LISTEN to these verses then soon you can experience the Niramisa Sukha and can also get into Samadhi !
(4) LISTEN to the sermons of most Ven. Waharaka Thero and constantly CONTEMPLATE on the Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta nature of this world of 31 realms.
If you follow these four suggestions mentioned above, then I am sure that you will experience immediate effects. I hope your pain and sufferings would be relieved and you would move closer and closer to the Ultimate ending of ALL sufferings (Nibbana)!
I remember the story of Arahant Angulimala. After becoming an Arahant, while going on alms round he saw a woman crying in the labor pain of childbirth. He immediately went to Lord Buddha and asked what could he do to relieve the pain of that woman. Then Lord Buddha told him to go to that woman and chant a verse (which came to be known as Angulimala Paritta). As soon as Ven. Angulimala chanted that verse in front of that woman, her pain disappeared immediately! There are several other incidents of such “miraculous healings” at the time of Lord Buddha. Even most Ven. Waharaka Thero did many miraculous healings when he was alive.
These incidents clearly show the importance of LISTENING to Ariyas in the presence of them! When the lineage of Ariyas are gone, then no matter how many books or websites one reads or even listen to the recorded sermons, one can not attain any magga phala. That’s why Ariyas are so important! Lord Buddha said to Ven. Ananda that the Buddha Saasana would depend 100% on Kalana mittas (Ariyas who have attained magga phala).
So dear Dhamma friends, don’t just sit in front of your laptop or mobile phones browsing and reading…. Go and meet Noble Persons (Ariyas), pay respect to them, do more and more merits, LISTEN to their sermons and CONTEMPLATE…. That’s all I can say. And the rest depends on the level of your spiritual faculties (saddha, viriya, sati, samadhi, panna).
As for me, I am on the Bodhisatta path. By the power of my merits, may all these merits support me in achieving Buddhahood in the future.
Theruwan Saranai !!!
(1) Buddha paintings
(3) Patibhana Kavya
(4) Sermons of most Ven. Waharaka Thero (English translations)