Reply To: In Praise of Lal

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Few indeed are those who have written ‘in praise’ of Lal. And it is good that they have. Praise is admiration and esteem expressed in words. I hope many more have felt Gratitude.  Gratitude is invariably sincere, and though unexpressed, is immeasurably more powerful than words can say.
The Buddha said that even if you were to carry your mother and father on your back in their old age until they die, that would not be enough to pay off the debt you owe them in making possible this human birth for you.  What to say, then, of someone who has shown you the way out of suffering for ever?   You had the merits, the eligibility, you were ready – now, in the Buddha the search has come to an end. A ‘once- in- sansara’  event’!  And that is now!!  Spend some time reflecting on this. Again. And again. And yet again.  I myself never tire of it.
As to the other point: do not worry about others dismissing the Dhamma from the outset. Few are eligible even to come across the Dhamma. Your intuition will guide you as to when to persist and when to desist. Remember, the higher a thing, the less popular will it be. That is an observation from life itself. In our case, just glance at the number of views of videos about ‘Buddhism’ – those featuring the overly-charismatic bhikkhu, the ‘entertainment value’,  the appeal to the mediocre, the ‘lack of depth’…. you will sense it at once. There you get 50K, 100K.  And those videos about the true Dhamma?  The regulars on here will know which ones I am referring to; a few hundreds of views, at most 1 or 2K, the least of which those of Waharaka Thero!  -the higher a thing, the less popular will it be.  What appeals to you will be precisely that which you are ready for. To the many, the all-too-popular videos and sites will be of value, they are their next step forward; to the few they are but water under the bridge.  So do not persist, do not force in any way. If you do, the chances are that the listener will harbour aversion toward you, and, what’s much worse, towards the Dhamma – and that will be of great demerit.
With infinite Gratitude to Lal and to all who in one way or another are involved in spreading the Dhamma.
(I will not be able to contribute anything here for much longer. I have been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. 4th stage. Oncologist: ‘months’.  
A heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to all participants on the Forum. May all be free from  sansara. May all attain the Deathless.)
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