Reply To: Validity of current interpretation of Satipatthana Sutta


Yes. These are subtle but critical points to be understood.

  • The arising of the “distorted kama sanna” compels most people to engage in papa kamma (immoral deeds). 
  • This concept about the arising of the “distorted sanna” in general (in all realms) and specifically the “distorted kama sanna” in the kama loka realms is not understood by many.
  • Most people try to suppress “kama raga” by willpower. But that can lead to agitation in mind (patigha.) 
  • It becomes much easier to control “kama raga” if one can see that “kama raga” arises due to “distorted kama sanna” built into our bodies! See “Fooled by Distorted Saññā (Sañjānāti) – Origin of Attachment (Taṇhā).”
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