Reply To: Validity of current interpretation of Satipatthana Sutta


No.  Pancakkhandha (absent of distorted or defiled rupa, vedana, sanna, sankhara, vinnana) arise only in an Arahant while in “Arahant phala samaptti.” Only then do all those five entities arise in their “pure form.”

  • While living day-to-day life, an Arahant also receives the “distorted kama sanna” (the sweetness of sugar, etc.) in the “distorted” bahiddha vinnana stage.
  • For a puthujjana, that “distorted kama sanna” instantly turns into a “defiled” ajjhatta vinnana. That is because of the attachment to pancupadanakkhandha, which has been accumulated and still affects their minds.
  • That is explicitly stated in the “Mahāpuṇṇama Sutta (MN 109)“: “Yo kho, bhikkhu, pañcasu upādānakkhandhesu chandarāgo taṁ tattha upādānan’ti” OR “The desire and greed for the five grasping aggregates is the grasping there.”
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