August 1, 2024 at 1:42 pm
We must continue to listen further. He specified that the Dhamma must be learned from an ariya. One must listen to the correct Dhamma. It is impossible to learn the Dhamma alone without learning it from an ariya. Personally, I agree with him. The perfect example is an arupa brahma. It is impossible for any ariya, even a Lord Buddha to teach them the Dhamma. They don’t have the 5 senses necessary to learn it. Of course, an ariya who is reborn in arupa loka will attain Nibbāna. The reason is that he learned the Dhamma before losing these 5 senses. I believe that a person who learned the Dhamma before becoming deaf can realize Nibbāna. However, a person who is born deaf will have some disability. Once again this is my personal opinion.