July 31, 2024 at 12:41 am
“I don’t think there is such a term in the Tipitaka.”
- Bhava ditthi Tattha katamā bhavadiṭṭhi? “Bhavissati attā ca loko cā”ti—yā evarūpā diṭṭhi diṭṭhigataṁ …pe… vipariyāsaggāho—ayaṁ vuccati “bhavadiṭṭhi”.
- But I don’t know what ‘Bhavissati attā ca loko cā‘ means. Would you let me know what it means?
“Why do you think the removal of uccheda ditthi leads to the removal of bhava tanha?”
- I don’t think the removal of uccheda ditthi leads to the removal of bhava tanha.
- What I wanted to ask is, if one becomes a Sotapanna by eliminating all ditthi (wrong views), why does bhava ditthi still remain?
- If a Sotapanna stage is not achieved through the elimination of all ditthi, then the issue of bhava ditthi remaining is resolved.
“Uccheda ditthi means not believing in the rebirth process. Would not one with uccheda ditthi have kama raga (and thus bhava tanha)?”
- I think that bhava tanha refers to rupa raga and arupa raga because in the Vibhanga it says, ‘Rūpadhātuarūpadhātupaṭisaṁyutto rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “bhavataṇhā”’. Therefore, when there is kama tanha, there is no bhava tanha.