July 30, 2024 at 9:33 am
Tattha katamā tisso taṇhā? Kāmataṇhā, bhavataṇhā, vibhavataṇhā.
- Bhavadiṭṭhisahagato rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “bhavataṇhā”.
- Ucchedadiṭṭhisahagato rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “vibhavataṇhā”. Avasesā taṇhā kāmataṇhā.
- Kāmadhātupaṭisaṁyutto rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “kāmataṇhā”.
- Rūpadhātuarūpadhātupaṭisaṁyutto rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “bhavataṇhā”.
- Ucchedadiṭṭhisahagato rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “vibhavataṇhā”. Imā tisso taṇhā.
Tattha katamā aparāpi tisso taṇhā? Kāmataṇhā, rūpataṇhā, arūpataṇhā.
- Kāmadhātupaṭisaṁyutto rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “kāmataṇhā”.
- Rūpadhātupaṭisaṁyutto rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “rūpataṇhā”.
- Arūpadhātupaṭisaṁyutto rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “arūpataṇhā”. Imā tisso taṇhā.
Tattha katamā aparāpi tisso taṇhā? Rūpataṇhā, arūpataṇhā, nirodhataṇhā.
- Rūpadhātupaṭisaṁyutto rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “rūpataṇhā”.
- Arūpadhātupaṭisaṁyutto rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “arūpataṇhā”.
- Ucchedadiṭṭhisahagato rāgo sārāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṁ vuccati “nirodhataṇhā”. Imā tisso taṇhā.
Based on this information, we can understand the following:
- Related to bhavadiṭṭhi.
- Concerned with being reborn in the rupa or arupa dhatu.
- Similar to the combination of rūpataṇhā and arūpataṇhā.
- Related to ucchedadiṭṭhi.
- Similar to nirodhataṇhā.
If a Sotāpanna eliminates ucchedadiṭṭhi, and thus vibhavataṇhā is removed at the Sotāpanna stage, why isn’t bhavataṇhā eliminated as well? Isn’t a Sotāpanna attained by eliminating all diṭṭhis? What is bhavadiṭṭhi? Is it unrelated to sakkaya ditthi? Also, if there are any important points that can be found in this Vibhanga material, I would appreciate it if you could share them. Thank you.