July 30, 2024 at 7:27 am
“Here it is more of questioning the exact words. Since only the words “kaye kaya” is swapped with “vedanasu vedana” in the vedana section, if you say that “kaye kaya” means “a part of kaya” then would “vededanasu vedana” also mean “a part of vedana”?”
- Of course. “Vededanasu vedana” means “a part of vedana.” That is to indicate two types of vedana arising.
- Same applies to “cittesu cittanupassana.” In the initial “bahiddha stage,” there is undefiled citta (yet with “distorted sanna.“) For those with unbroken samyojana/anusaya, defiled cittas arise in the “ajjhatta stage” only a split second later automatically.
- The same applies to “dhammesu dhammanupassana.” In the initial “bahiddha stage,” there is undefiled dhamma (yet with “distorted sanna.“) For those with unbroken samyojana/anusaya, defiled dhammas arise automatically in the “ajjhatta stage” only a split second later.
- Here, “defiled” means with raga, dosa, or moha.