Reply To: Validity of current interpretation of Satipatthana Sutta


I have read the posts. I have given an example of how i would apply bahidda and ajjhata in vedananupassan in the above comment, they are similar to what you said as sukha and somanassa vedana, i just did not write these 2 terms down. Please correct me if i interpret wrongly.

However i say that i still struggle to find the link with contemplation of impurities etc. As you can see my attempt is forced. It would be great if you can give an example how to link them. Linking to the vedana part is easier, since sukha and somanassa links quite well to bahiddha and ajjhattam. but dead bodies and impurities doesnt seem to link directly.

I pointed out: Iti ajjhattaṁ vā vedanāsu vedanānupassī viharati, bahiddhā vā vedanāsu vedanānupassī viharati (or kāye kāyānupassī viharat)

Here it is more of questioning the exact words. Since  only the words “kaye kaya” is swapped with “vedanasu vedana” in the vedana section, if you say that “kaye kaya” means “a part of kaya” then would “vededanasu vedana” also mean “a part of vedana”? Or, what is the precise meaning of vedanasu vedana?