Reply To: Validity of current interpretation of Satipatthana Sutta


Hello Pathfinder,

My observation, I really appreciate the effort and diligence you and others put into your discernment of the dhamma. May the Buddha Sasana help us all living beings on the path to Nibbana.  As well thank you and others for your patience and goodwill in your discussions.

“TripleGemStudent: In the sutta’s the formula for any dhatu meditation is always  Etaṁ mama, esohamasmi, eso me attā’ti in the end.

This is interesting and it makes sense to me. could you share a sutta reference?”

Here’s the sutta’s reference.

Mahārāhulovādasutta (MN 62)

Dhātuvibhaṅgasutta (MN 140)

I linked Maharahulovadasutta to the part of internal air element. It show’s in and out breaths being classified as an internal air element and that’s what I mean by breathing meditation is a vayo dhatu meditation. From my understanding, one of the practices is to contemplate on vinnana and all 5 elements earth, water, fire, air, space internally, externally and both internally and externally (ajjhattaṃ, bahiddhā, ajjhattabahiddhā) and in the end see them as Etaṁ mama, esohamasmi, eso me attā’ti or their nature, the Tilakkhana and / or P.S. That’s what I mean by when I said “Observing or focusing on the breath as meditation technique is a vayo kasina or like 1% of the full Buddhist dhatu meditation”. But regardless whether one practices breathing meditation or not, I believe in the end, what’s important is to see and understand the arisen experiences / phenomenon or citta’s, vedana and how they cease and apply teachings like etaṁ mama, esohamasmi, eso me attā’ti,4 noble truths, tilakkhana, P.S. and other teachings.