Reply To: Post on “Kāma Tanhā, Bhava Tanhā, Vibhava Tanhā”


You wrote: “The second meaning of vibhava tanha, which is opposite to bhava tanha, is the tanha that seeks to eliminate the ‘conditioned bhava (kamma bhava and uppatti bhava)’ that can only be removed through the cessation of kammic energy.”

  • Kammic energy can never be “removed” or “ceased.” P.S. Once energy is created, it will either bring about an effect (if the conditions are satisfied) or fade with time. For example, Angulimala killed almost a thousand people, but since he had attained Arahanthood, that kammic energy could not bring a “bhava” during his life or at death. 
  • Accumulated kammic energy cannot bring a rebirth (or even any temporary bhava during a lifetime) for an Arahant because the “upadana paccaya bhava” step (together with all the steps in PS) does not work. 

So, I don’t see a “second meaning to vibhava tanha.”

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