Reply To: Monkhood:List of the 227 rules of Pātimokkha


Here is a sutta which speaks of the qualities of a bhikkhu who has reached the sotāpanna stage.


And what, mendicants, is the nature of a person accomplished in view?

Kathaṁrūpāya ca, bhikkhave, dhammatāya diṭṭhisampanno puggalo samannāgato?

This is the nature of a person accomplished in view.

Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, diṭṭhisampannassa puggalassa:

Though they may fall into a kind of offense for which resolution is possible, they quickly disclose, clarify, and reveal it to the Teacher or a sensible spiritual companion.

kiñcāpi tathārūpiṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati, yathārūpāya āpattiyā vuṭṭhānaṁ paññāyati, atha kho naṁ khippameva satthari vā viññūsu vā sabrahmacārīsu deseti vivarati uttānīkaroti;

And having revealed it they restrain themselves in the future.

desetvā vivaritvā uttānīkatvā āyatiṁ saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.

Suppose there was a little baby boy. If he puts his hand or foot on a burning coal, he quickly pulls it back.

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, daharo kumāro mando uttānaseyyako hatthena vā pādena vā aṅgāraṁ akkamitvā khippameva paṭisaṁharati;


Further on, the sutta lists the 7 qualities of a sotāpanna bhikkhu.

When a noble disciple has these seven factors, they have properly investigated their nature through the realization of the fruit of stream-entry.

Evaṁ sattaṅgasamannāgatassa kho, bhikkhave, ariyasāvakassa dhammatā susamanniṭṭhā hoti sotāpattiphalasacchikiriyāya.

A noble disciple with these seven factors has the fruit of stream-entry.”

Evaṁ sattaṅgasamannāgato kho, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako sotāpattiphalasamannāgato hotī”ti.

  • I also decided to post the comment below from Sutta Central because it is relevant.

 Vinaya offences fall into a number of classes, all of which must be confessed by a guilty monastic to their fellow monastics. Some are resolved upon confession, others by undergoing a procedure of relinquishment or temporary suspension. However, the most serious offences—sexual intercourse, murder, stealing, and lying about spiritual attainments—entail immediate and permanent expulsion. Offences are further distinguished by intention, as some offences may be transgressed without ill intent or even unknowingly (for example, eating at the wrong time). A stream-enterer cannot commit an expulsion offence ( The 4 Pārajika), but they may commit one of the other offences without ill intent.

  • When a sotāpanna commits a Vinaya fault, he does not conceal it and promptly discloses it to his master or another bhikkhu. This is a quality specific to all sotāpanna (lays or bhikkhus). They never hide their faults. See the Ratanasutta

Even if they do a bad deed

Kiñcāpi so kamma karoti pāpakaṁ,

by body, speech, or mind,

Kāyena vācā uda cetasā vā;Theyy are unable to conceal it;

Abhabba so tassa paṭicchadāya,

They say this inability applies to one who has seen the truth.

Abhabbatā diṭṭhapadassa vuttā;

This sublime gem is in the Saṅgha:

Idampi saṅghe ratanaṁ paṇītaṁ,

By this truth, may you be well!

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.



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