Hi all, with Metta
I remember some time ago, before finding Mr. LAL writing.
I used to think and practice meditation paying attention to long and short breaths, paying attention and ignoring without being labeled on the phenomena of thoughts and feelings, very focused, Can remove inner dirt??
but it was incomplete and there was something missing for me.
1. I thought I would not be able to focus on social life and become like a robot because I was too mindful, paying attention to every movement of namarupa.
2. Kilesa was only suppressed but GATI did not change.
Apparently meditation is not only paying attention/observing but realizing nama rupa throwing away the bad and taking the good.
For example, when there is a moment of vaci sankhara starting to lead to something negative, immediately realize it, reflect on the consequences of its karma, and tilakkhana.
My mind is now more flexible when negative things start to arise (realize, observe, get rid of).
This first realization process is indeed difficult and will be easy if practiced continuously (meditation on breathing for a while until calm then change to tilakkhana contemplation)
This slowly changes one’s GATI, and at a certain level of understanding there will be a moment of realizing magga and phala, the effect of phala will be seen slowly.
As you continue to practice dhamma, and increasingly realize the pancakhanda, slowly your GATI continues to change until there is no bhava that is taken, for to be born in the 31 realms (nibbana)
I don’t know too many suttas.
The essence that I have captured so far.. Understand tilakkhana with the perspective of the 31 realms (¡) -> understand paticcasamuppada (¡¡) -> change gati (noble 8-fold path) (¡¡¡¡) -> Nibbana (¡¡¡)